If you find that coughing, sneezing, laughing, or just getting excited makes you pee your pants a little – you’re not alone. It is estimated that approximately 16 million people in North America suffer from urinary incontinence, 85% of whom are women. Those seeking treatment have limited options – and let’s be honest, adult diapers are not a solution anyone really wants to employ…

Dr. Trevor Born and TMB Cosmetic are proud to offer a new type of treatment for the surrounding Toronto area that actually addresses the root cause of incontinence: weak pelvic floor muscles. Emsella is a breakthrough procedure that works to relieve incontinence by stimulating and strengthening the underlying muscles of the pelvic floor. The treatment is completely non-invasive, comfortable, and no down time is needed.


Q & A

What Exactly Is Emsella?

EMSELLA is a non invasive procedure that utilizes focused electromagnetic technology to stimulate and strengthen the pelvic floor and relieve incontinence.During the treatment, you sit on a specially designed chair which delivers electromagnetic energy to the pelvic floor muscles, forcing them to contract. Over the course of your treatment, these contractions strengthen the weakened muscles and restore neuromuscular control of the bladder. A single 30 minute EMSELLA treatment stimulates over 11,000 of these muscular contractions – which is the equivalent of doing 11,000 Kegel exercises! (Ever tried to do even 100 Kegels in a single session? Exactly!!)

How does it feel?

First of all – Emsella is completely non invasive. During your treatment, you remain fully clothed, and simply take a seat on the specially designed Emsella chair for a half hour. You will experience tingling and will feel your pelvic floor muscles contracting during your treatment, but the sensations are not painful. You can resume all of your normal activities immediately after the treatment.

Am I a Good Candidate for Emsella?

If you are suffering from urinary incontinence – you are an excellent candidate for Emsella. This is a revolutionary treatment that offers women a convenient, non invasive and viable treatment option to relieve incontinence – so you can laugh, jump, sneeze and hiccup with confidence!

What Is the Treatment Time?

Each Emsella treatment is just 30 minutes long, and patients typically require two treatments per week, for 3 weeks for best results. However – every patient is different! Our certified Emsella technicians will determine the best course of treatment to meet your specific needs and achieve the best results.

When will I notice a difference?

You may notice improvement after just one treatment, with continued improvement over the course of a few weeks.