Breast Lift

Many women struggle with low-hanging, droopy or asymmetrical breasts as a result of aging, pregnancy, breast feeding, gravity or weight loss. A breast lift, or Mastopexy, can help to rejuvenate the breasts be reducing excess skin as well as lifting and tightening the underlying supportive tissues. Mastopexy can also reduce the size of an overly stretched areola (the skin surrounding the nipple), and reposition downturned nipples. If you feel self conscious in tighter clothing and struggle to find a bra that supports and sufficiently lifts your breasts, you may benefit from breast lift surgery. Mastopexy does not change breast size and volume, nor does it restore fullness in the upper pole of the breast. However, Mastopexy can be combined with breast implants and/or micro fat grafting if you desire fuller, more rounded breasts.

Breast Lift

Q & A

What Is a Breast Lift / Mastopexy?

A Mastopexy, or “breast lift,” is a procedure which involves the surgical revision and re-shaping of the breasts in order to restore a more youthful “lifted” position, appearance and shape. The procedure is performed under general anesthesia and takes somewhere between 2 to 3 hours to complete depending on the complexity of the case. There are many techniques for performing breast lift surgery; the technique utilized by Dr. Born is determined by several factors including the patient’s breast size and shape, skin quality, amount of loose or excess skin as well as the position and size of the nipples and areolas. Dr. Born employs only the most advanced breast lift techniques using the most modern principles of surgery to ensure a very natural look and feel to the breasts. For patients who require only a minimal lift, a “donut” or circular incision made around the areola can be effective. For patients who require moderate lift, a “lollipop” incision is made around the nipple and down the center of the breast to the breast crease. A full Mastopexy for maximum lift will employ an “anchor” or half moon incision in addition to the “lollipop” incision. After making the appropriate incision, Dr. Born will lift and reshape the underlying tissues, using deep sutures to ensure maximum support of the breasts from within. The nipple will be positioned higher on the breast, and in some cases Dr. Born can reduce the areola size if it is overly large or stretched. Excess skin on the breast is trimmed and firmness is restored to the breasts. After the surgery, the incision will be held together with sutures, gauze and special surgical tape to minimize any pulling during the healing process. With proper care, visible scarring on the breasts should heal and fade over time. Performed on its own, Mastopexy can reduce breast size by one full cup size; for this reason, Dr. Born often recommends that Mastopexy be combined with breast implants and/ or micro fat grafting for optimal results.

Why Should I Choose Dr. Born to Perform My Breast Lift/ Mastopexy?

Dr. Born has performed thousands of breast lift surgeries throughout his medical career and is regarded as one the most accomplished cosmetic plastic surgeons in the industry. His knowledge and expertise is matched by a personalized approach to all patients under his care. Moving forward with breast lift surgery is a monumental decision for a woman, and knowing that your surgeon is experienced, prepared and on the same page as you is crucial. Dr. Born understands the nuances of this particular surgery and his advanced technique will ensure a beautiful, more youthful look and feel to your breasts that suits your body frame and your modern, unique lifestyle.

Am I a Candidate for a Breast Lift/ Mastopexy?

Candidates for Mastopexy or breast lift surgery range in age from 18-70 years of age as long as they are in good health and fit for surgery under general anesthetic. Women who meet the following criteria are generally good candidates for Mastopexy:• Sagging, low hanging breasts• Breast asymmetry (one breast hangs lower than the other)• Flat or “deflated” looking breasts• Nipples that point downward and/or stretched, enlarged areolasIf you are planning to have children it is advisable to postpone Mastopexy surgery as pregnancy and breast feeding can result in stretching of the skin and breast tissues.

What Are the Risks of Breast Lift/mastopexy?

It is important to remember that breast lift surgery is not for everyone. Side effects can include swelling, bruising, numbness, inflammation or infection around the incision and possible bleeding. You can help minimize certain risks by following the advice and instructions of your plastic surgeon, both before and after your surgery. Dr. Born will discuss in detail all of the potential risks associated with your breast lift surgery during your private consultation. Our pre-operative screening process is designed to determine if you are an ideal candidate for surgery so that we may avoid complications in the future. To view a complete list of complications associated with surgery performed under general anesthetic, click here.